martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

John Perkins, the economic hit man

         John Perkins is a men that wrote a book about the confesses of the economic hit man. He totally promotes the peace corps. " They ask what I recommend, and I always say, "Go! Do it! It's an incredible experience." That happens quite frequently; I promote Peace Corps." People always ask to him for a recommendation of what to do with their lives of what road to choose. 

            He is a person that always speak the truth in order for a better management of things. He wrote about the assassination of Roldos, president of Panama and the assassination of Torrijos. He have all the evidence to prove all the catastrophe in those places because he was there. "You can ask people in the Dominican Republic, I'm sure that most people who were alive at that time in Latin America realized that it was an assassination."

              He critize the tinket capitalism, like the commodities of market were the goods were made by the farmers with hard work. For John this is a criminal activity, "Legally speaking, it's not criminal because we've passed laws to decriminalize it, but it should be criminal."

"TruthOut Archive." The Economic Hit Man Confesses Again: An Interview With John Perkins. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. <>.

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