lunes, 3 de marzo de 2014

Facts of Israel conflict

      In a website calles "10 facts" published in 2010, describe in several events how the Conflict that was in Palestine because of the Israels.

      The conflict of israel was such a great catastrophe that destroyed a lot people; adults, kids annd babies. The Palestinians have suffered a lot of bombs that hurt and killed a lot of kids that did not know what was the reason of Israels to attack them in such way.  There were targeted killings, learned about the West Bank separation barrier and heard of the hardships, there were discriminations and humiliations that Israel did injustice to the Palestinian people.

       There was a conflict while ago because the palestinians were exile of the territory land and the Israels obtained almost everything. That fight developed into a big fight for the struggle of the territory. For me, this is such an injustice how Israel discriminate Palestinians in such way without any reason or a reason that is not valid. Even though karma is always present and goes to the people.

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