martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

          During the pass of the years the population has been growing more and more. And the resources are getting lesser each time more. Thanks to all the wars the money is wasted in armies instead of food. "Many of us have grown up learning and being told that 6 billion is too much and this "over population" is primarily impacting the planet's ability to cope." The planet is getting affected each day more thanks to the bad decisions of the people. 

        The poverty section increased extraordinary thanks to the injustices. The injustices are that the money goes to the wealthier people and the poverty increases more because the few resources are taken by rich people letting people with nothing. "While it might be an oversimplification to say the poor are victims, a lot of poverty, if not the majority is caused by factors which the poor themselves often have no control or choice over."

            The population affect and put stress on the environment society and resources. What the people have to ask themselves is if resources are well used. 

The growing of the population :

"Human Population." - Global Issues. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. <>.

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