martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Climat Issue

           It arrive the time were we need to start worring about the climate change. A New York city mayor said, "I don't know what the world is going to look like in 2050." He is worried about is increasin the population of health problems through the time. He tried to make campaigns for those health problems to abolish, like the smoking or the obesity. 

          The accumulation of carbon dioxide is making the planet to increase the temperature every day. According to the united nations, "We must limit global temperature rise to 2 degrees. We are far from there, and even that is enough to cause dire consequences. If we continue along the current path, we are close to a 6 degree increase." This means that the people that is going to be really affected is our sons. We should not stay quiet and do nothing, we should make campaigns and spread  to the world the importance of taking care the world.

"Global Issues at the United Nations." UN News Center. UN, n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.        

          Yahoo! News. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. <>.


        Race could be described by saying that every body have different biological traits which in some cases makes you be in a group of your same race. In some cases people divides the races in languages, religious, status and class. There are five classes of skin color: black, white, asian, american indian, spanic or latino. Even though the ideas of the race have been changing a lot over the time, "Since the beginning, the way we have classified and defined groups, our laws, social policies, even our scientific discoveries — have all been shaped by shifting political priorities." This is kind of better without saying is good because is a way of world progress.

          The Racism is causing a discrimination toward people which can not have the same education and freedom as us. According to Mr. Selfridge, "Restrictive covenants, which barred homeowners from selling or leasing their homes to nonwhites, were common in many neighborhoods across the U.S." There is a big injustice toward the black people because they can not have the same things that everybody does. The Jews were other victims of discrimination of race by sending them to the ghettos.

PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. <

          During the pass of the years the population has been growing more and more. And the resources are getting lesser each time more. Thanks to all the wars the money is wasted in armies instead of food. "Many of us have grown up learning and being told that 6 billion is too much and this "over population" is primarily impacting the planet's ability to cope." The planet is getting affected each day more thanks to the bad decisions of the people. 

        The poverty section increased extraordinary thanks to the injustices. The injustices are that the money goes to the wealthier people and the poverty increases more because the few resources are taken by rich people letting people with nothing. "While it might be an oversimplification to say the poor are victims, a lot of poverty, if not the majority is caused by factors which the poor themselves often have no control or choice over."

            The population affect and put stress on the environment society and resources. What the people have to ask themselves is if resources are well used. 

The growing of the population :

"Human Population." - Global Issues. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. <>.

John Perkins, the economic hit man

         John Perkins is a men that wrote a book about the confesses of the economic hit man. He totally promotes the peace corps. " They ask what I recommend, and I always say, "Go! Do it! It's an incredible experience." That happens quite frequently; I promote Peace Corps." People always ask to him for a recommendation of what to do with their lives of what road to choose. 

            He is a person that always speak the truth in order for a better management of things. He wrote about the assassination of Roldos, president of Panama and the assassination of Torrijos. He have all the evidence to prove all the catastrophe in those places because he was there. "You can ask people in the Dominican Republic, I'm sure that most people who were alive at that time in Latin America realized that it was an assassination."

              He critize the tinket capitalism, like the commodities of market were the goods were made by the farmers with hard work. For John this is a criminal activity, "Legally speaking, it's not criminal because we've passed laws to decriminalize it, but it should be criminal."

"TruthOut Archive." The Economic Hit Man Confesses Again: An Interview With John Perkins. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. <>.

lunes, 3 de marzo de 2014

victim of torture

I found this link that shows the body of a boy with only 13 years old that was tortured by the Syrian government during the civil war. This could be a strong video but demonstrate perfectly how some people had to suffered injustice catastrophes. I warned you, if you are a person that can not see cruel things, I recommend to don't watch this video. video of 13 years old kid,victim of violence in syria. If you feel bad about this video imagine what their family felt when they saw him. #Their families were the ones who filmed his entire body.

Videos that changed the world

This is an article from Kainaz Amaria who wrote about the revolutions of egyptians. There were a lot of violence during the period of 2011. Here is an image of an example of the violence that was occurring. This image is called "the girl in the blue bra"

This image is so famous because demonstrate perfectly the situation in egypt. Women who were dragged by the military of Egypt during a protest. Seing this woman with her head all cover and her torso bare give as a message of how the power of the egyptian military was abused. 
Here is a link of a demonstration of this abuse:

Facts of Israel conflict

      In a website calles "10 facts" published in 2010, describe in several events how the Conflict that was in Palestine because of the Israels.

      The conflict of israel was such a great catastrophe that destroyed a lot people; adults, kids annd babies. The Palestinians have suffered a lot of bombs that hurt and killed a lot of kids that did not know what was the reason of Israels to attack them in such way.  There were targeted killings, learned about the West Bank separation barrier and heard of the hardships, there were discriminations and humiliations that Israel did injustice to the Palestinian people.

       There was a conflict while ago because the palestinians were exile of the territory land and the Israels obtained almost everything. That fight developed into a big fight for the struggle of the territory. For me, this is such an injustice how Israel discriminate Palestinians in such way without any reason or a reason that is not valid. Even though karma is always present and goes to the people.