martes, 1 de abril de 2014

the climate is changing causing problem in Alaska

      As you may notice the climate in world is changing everyday more causing more and more catastrophes. Know there is a problem in Alaska caused by the increase of the temperature melting the permafrost on North Alaska. Permafrost is the ice that is under the ground which must be always frozen so the constructions that are above it don´t fall. A scientisit called Vladimir Romanvosbsky said, "Anything that happens to the climate, it's reflected in the permafrost," he says. "Warmer temperatures, less permafrost, it's simple."

    The temperature now is more degrees warmer than it was 30 years ago. This is causing that a lot of houses and buildings in Alaska fall, the roads separate and villages crack. It is shocking for people living in Alaska because they don´t when their house is going to fall so they have to be prepare. The same scientist said, "We're not trying to scare anyone here," he says, "It's not about telling everyone climate change will be as disastrous so they should stop using gas. It's about being ready for what's coming, preparing engineering and infrastructure solutions for the people that live here." He is totally right, if we keep fighting for the prevention of global warming will never going to be prepare for the consequences in the future because if you didn't notice the fear we had in the past for the increase of climate, now is really happening and we should do something about it. 

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