martes, 1 de abril de 2014

food inc relates with racism and economic

     The Food Inc is directly related to the economic and the racism. After watching this film I realized that all the cheap food is made up with contaminate nutrients that affect the human system. Instead the natural food is expensive but is better for the body because it does not have any kind of processes. This is why the discriminate people and the poor people that does not have a lot of money are the people that have more diseases. In the other hand the wealthier people can afford to buy all the vegetables and fruits sailed in the locations. It is important to clear that products sailed in the super market are not always natural so you have to make sure if the place you are buying food is natural and does not have toxics.

      The government should be aware of the diseases that the food are causing. Is not their fault of the people of low resources to buy this kind of food because they do not have other alternative. There is a case that the Food Inc movie showed about a family that have to eat food in Mc Donald's because they can not afford other food. This family have have a decision to make, to eat natural food which is expensive or buy the medicines that the father of the family needs. This makes me think that this is kind of injustice for those people because everybody should have the same opportunities of eating a healthy food.

Food, Inc. Perf. Robbert Kenner, Richard Pearce, Melissa Robledo. Movie One, 2008. Film.

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