martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Light Bulb Conspiracy

After watching the film "Light Bulb Conspiracy" my perspective about the industries has completely changed. Before, I taught that industries tried to make their products be better each day but instead it was the total opposite. The majority of factories make an effort to make their products cheaper so they could sell them at high prices. Besides, they try to make low quality products in order for people to buy more. For example, in a company called Phillips, dedicated to create bulbs, which what makes the light is the wire.  For them its better that the bulbs have to be change more often. They have to create more fragile bulbs so it will break easier and the people buy them often. Before, a bulb resisted 2500 hours and now the light resist just for 1000 hours.

There are other cases about this subject were they make the ink spread and trow more than it should normally trow. Even if they have the solution for that, they prefer to leave it like that so they could have more sales, making the people consume and buy more ink. At the same time, some times people need to buy another printer because people say that like their printer consume a lot of ink they have to buy another printer. This is how the seller lie to us, saying that a new a technologic printer will consume lesser but instead is the totally opposite; a new printer consume more ink.

Kep Stevens was a designer and a constructor who created several things like a toaster, cars, and homes. He was recognized for his strange houses. One time, he created a house that people taught it was a bus station because no one had seen a house that big and strange. He was famous for his originality and strange designs. Without him there will not exist, security guards, malls or designers.

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

American Empire falls

The documentary called four "Horsermen Apocalypse" talks about a prediction of how the american empire is going to fall. First of all we all know that United States is the center and the principle government of all the planet  and if the American empire falls we all falls. For example, Colombia depends in everything with United States. A lot of countries can not sustain by themselves and they need  resources from other countries specially from United States.

In the other hand there exist countries like Japan and Russia that can survive by themselves. So if the American empire falls, this countries will be stronger and will become the centre of the world. They have all the necessary resources like military, oil, gas in others to survive and make the world survive at the same time. For some people it will be better and for some will be a catastrophe, I think it will not be the greatest thing of all. Even if people don´t accept that they need US, its clearly that they now how to have the power of the planet. Or even if United States made some big mistakes, they have the power to solve them or the power and to stand up again.

If US empire falls a lot of people will be unemployed and that is a thing that even for China and Russia will be difficult to solve. Whatever other countries do, there will be always consequences for a lot of people.

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Monetary system in Colombia

The Colombia money have about half of lost of the dollars. The Super Intendia Bancaria is the bank that control all the money that constructed and the money that is loaned. Unlike the Unite States, Colombia have a moderate inflation. During the course of seven years it increase from 1,000 pesos to 2,000 and this could be described as moderate. 

If the prices get lower or higher is depended of the money that is spread around colombia. Acording to the Banco De La Republica there are three objectives in Colombia, "El primer objetivo es el de lograr determinado nivel de tasa de cambio, el segundo, lograr determinado nivel de la tasa de interés, el tercero, tener movilidad de capitales." This objectives are made up for the efficiency of the saving of money and domestic competition. Eventhogh in order to acomplish this objectives they have to count with perfect inflation so the salaries, and the exachange of rate will increase. 

Colombia is characterized in that the possensions we have are not are not used by us; by the producers. Instead they are are exchanged in the market in order to gain more money. An example of this is the Coffee that Colombia is recognized of cultivating but instead of being consumed but the same Colombians, it is sailed internationally to gain more money. For me, every country have a critic situation about their monetary system.   

Fraction Reserve Money

      The film Fraction Reserve Money was a reflection of how is the money in the planet distributed. In few words the film said that there is a big inflation in whole world. So the question is; how people could end inflation?

      This is a question that will be very difficult to answer because now it is a necessity in order to loan money from the bank. The bank needs to have a reserve of money so that everybody could borrow some and then they have to pay with interests. Those interests make the bank richer so the products that costs 5 cents, now cost 1 dollar and 75 cents. It is not duplicated the price it is extremely multiplied, out of lines, meaning that the inflation will grow more and more.

       In the other hand the bank is a way of debt. Every time someone borrow money form the bank is a debt. If you take 1000 dollar for a house in the bank you have a debt but apart you have another debt of the interest it means, if you had to pay 1000 dollar to the bank, now you will have to pay 1500 dollars. This is a business that no even the government could interfere, this is only in charge of the major bank. They are the only people that could decide if they need to create more money or not.

       For me this is kind unnecessary the fact of creating money. I think they should create a system that the distribution of money should be equally organized so it will not be necessary to ask money for the bank so then the inflation will be over. There is something in my head that I can not believe how is it possible that before there were 2 trillion dollars in the bank and now there are 16 trillion. Or the fact that the bank have 10 billion of dollar but they have to keep at least 10 of them.


martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Climate change shifts the earth in Alaska - Features - Al Jazeera English

Climate change shifts the earth in Alaska - Features - Al Jazeera English 

video of an example

"Climate Change Shifts the Earth in Alaska." - Features. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014. <>.

the climate is changing causing problem in Alaska

      As you may notice the climate in world is changing everyday more causing more and more catastrophes. Know there is a problem in Alaska caused by the increase of the temperature melting the permafrost on North Alaska. Permafrost is the ice that is under the ground which must be always frozen so the constructions that are above it don´t fall. A scientisit called Vladimir Romanvosbsky said, "Anything that happens to the climate, it's reflected in the permafrost," he says. "Warmer temperatures, less permafrost, it's simple."

    The temperature now is more degrees warmer than it was 30 years ago. This is causing that a lot of houses and buildings in Alaska fall, the roads separate and villages crack. It is shocking for people living in Alaska because they don´t when their house is going to fall so they have to be prepare. The same scientist said, "We're not trying to scare anyone here," he says, "It's not about telling everyone climate change will be as disastrous so they should stop using gas. It's about being ready for what's coming, preparing engineering and infrastructure solutions for the people that live here." He is totally right, if we keep fighting for the prevention of global warming will never going to be prepare for the consequences in the future because if you didn't notice the fear we had in the past for the increase of climate, now is really happening and we should do something about it. 

food inc relates with racism and economic

     The Food Inc is directly related to the economic and the racism. After watching this film I realized that all the cheap food is made up with contaminate nutrients that affect the human system. Instead the natural food is expensive but is better for the body because it does not have any kind of processes. This is why the discriminate people and the poor people that does not have a lot of money are the people that have more diseases. In the other hand the wealthier people can afford to buy all the vegetables and fruits sailed in the locations. It is important to clear that products sailed in the super market are not always natural so you have to make sure if the place you are buying food is natural and does not have toxics.

      The government should be aware of the diseases that the food are causing. Is not their fault of the people of low resources to buy this kind of food because they do not have other alternative. There is a case that the Food Inc movie showed about a family that have to eat food in Mc Donald's because they can not afford other food. This family have have a decision to make, to eat natural food which is expensive or buy the medicines that the father of the family needs. This makes me think that this is kind of injustice for those people because everybody should have the same opportunities of eating a healthy food.

Food, Inc. Perf. Robbert Kenner, Richard Pearce, Melissa Robledo. Movie One, 2008. Film.