sábado, 3 de mayo de 2014


María Alejandra Pérez Uribe
Dean Patterson/Sierra Melcher
Comparative Government/English 12
27 April 2014

I´m Going to Change the World Manifesto
            The past 12 years I have learned several lessons that inspire me to be a better person each day of my life. Most importantly, my 12th grade when I reflected on the many people who could receive my help; people who do not have the same accommodations or opportunities I have had.
            Unfortunately I noticed this disparity too late yet with the help of my teacher Ms. Sierra Melcher, I realized that there is an injustice in the world. There is a big difference between the people that have money and those who do not. The richest 20% of the world's people get 86% of world income while the poorest 20% get only 1.3%. (Ted Trainer). This is not a new issue but rather a problem that has been developing for decades. The main reason for this injustice is the economy, which automatically goes to the wealthiest people. This leaves poor people to work for the richest businessmen just for an insignificant salary.
            Sometimes we prefer to avoid worrying about other families and prefer to go to a soccer game, a golf tournament, hairdressing or even a fancy party. While in the mean time, other families do not have anything to wear, eat or resources to buy medicine.  In the movie Food Inc. I witnessed a heart breaking case of a family that was suffering due to lack of money.  A family that has 4 family members and does not have anything to eat, they have to food almost every day in “Burger King” because the healthy food is to expensive to afford it. The father of the family has a disease. He has to consume a specific medicine but if he does he cannot buy healthy food. After watching this film the first thing I taught was; how can I help these people?
            As we all now the wealthy are getting richer every day. So I keep thinking, the only way we could help those people that really have bad situations is by giving them a hand. I think everybody could be prosperous just with a little of effort. And the only way to reach the top is by having a good education in order to be a professional.  This means that if the government or the wealthy people help the people with low resources, then everybody will have the same opportunities to be someone important in the world and at the same time when they have resources; help other poor people. Even though I could not do this by my own so I need to explain my thoughts to everybody I know, passing from person to person until someone recognized or a leader in the world hear it, making those toughs into reality.
            Another catastrophe that I am so worried about it is the climate issue. Teachers of biology, Chemistry, Physics and Social Studies have taught us that if we do not take care of our world, the only people that are going to be affected are our kids.  Since our teacher Ms. Sierra assigned us to make post about the actual world problems, I started to investigate about how the climate is changing and how is affecting us. One time I investigated about a case in Alaska caused by the increase of the temperature melting the permafrost on North Alaska. Permafrost is the ice that is under the ground which must be always frozen so the constructions that are above it don´t fall.  A scientist called Vladimir Romanvosbsky said, "Anything that happens to the climate, it's reflected in the permafrost," he says. "Warmer temperatures, less permafrost, it's simple." This is causing that a lot of houses and buildings in Alaska fall, the roads separate and villages crack. This is shocking for me because what we were taught few years ago, it is really happening now and there is evidence.

            I do not know why these investigations about global warming intrigue me so much but since two months ago, I am thinking about studying something related to the climate. All my entire life I planned to study industrial engineering but now I am thinking of making a master of climatology. My parents and teachers always told me to study something that you really like in order to have more job opportunities. During my whole life I had different options of careers like, fashion design, pilot, economist but with help of my school I realized what I really like and what are the things that I am really passionate. This leaves me to my main goal: demonstrate the real me to the people and be the person that at least tried to safe the planet.

"Climate Change Shifts the Earth in Alaska." - Features. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014.
 AND CAUSES." Social Sciences. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr.
2014. 2<https://socialsciences.arts.unsw.edu.au/tsw/D37GlobalEcInjustice.html>.


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