lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014

Conflict of Unemployment

Unemployment has been increasing through years since 1920 through today; January 8, 1933.  Since the immigrants arrive it has demonstrated an unemployment increase because they work more for less money.

In a farm located in Chicago there was ten Americans workers and they work for 75 cents an hour but when the immigrants arrived they were replaced by 18 immigrants that worked for 40 cents an hour.   That’s why the Americans were not in mind for the works.  It is important because all Americans were staying without works. For immigrants their reason was that they were fighting for their dreams and they had to find a way to obtain the work because farmers will prefer an American instead of an immigrant if they ask for the same money as Americans.

I think that the government has to interfere and find solutions for Americans and also for immigrants. In order to have a regular rate of employment. Even though, Many economists have argued that unemployment increases the more the government intervenes into the economy to try to improve the conditions of those without jobs. Laws restricting layoffs made businesses less likely to hire in the first place, as hiring becomes more risky, leaving many young people unemployed and unable to find work.

Syria in conflict

There was a Syrian civil war during 2011. These protests were part of the wider North African and Middle Eastern protest movements known as the Arab Spring. Syrian protesters at first demanded democratic and economic reform within the framework of the existing government.  

The Syria war has been the event were other countries like France and US are involved by making deals and treatments. Leaders of the countries that are evolved just say opinions about how Obama should deal with Syria. A leader of the government said, “Right now Obama, well fortunately not bombing Syria because we don’t want to do that but Obama is giving up a big leadership role” (Stewart). This quote makes us see how people want to bomb Syria but they don’t want to get in trouble by saying that so they blame everything in Obama. Obama is the only person who really risk by doing the things that apparently are the right things to do but unfortunately people take advantage of that.  

 Apparently United States don´t want a war with Syria but the real question is if it is possible to don´t have a war?. John Kerry, the US democratic politic made a deal, “Make an agreement that could leave Syria with no chemical weapons by the middle of next year” (Stewart). This means that with this deal US or Syria could not have a war. For John Stewart this is kind of ironic because after all this deaths they can´t say they just did that because they wanted. 

martes, 18 de febrero de 2014


My name María Alejandra Pérez Uribe and I am 18 years old.
I study at the Colegio Panamericano and my favorite subjects are Math and Social Studies.
I pretend to study in Bogota at Los Andes, Industrial Engineering.
My hobbies are to play squash, going to the gym and hanging out with my friends.